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why did rhett and link leave christianity

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had a broader perspective on certain subjects it freed them to consider that And we as Christians shouldnt be surprised when this happens. your local one size fits all faith is THE faithwell, youre going to be in Sign up to get our newsletter your inbox every day. Whenever somebody other than Rhett mentions the word "Tokyo," Rhett will shout "What" for a length of time, and an overlay appears with the word "Tokyo," stylized to look like the Japanese flag, the cityscape of Tokyo, and a cat chasing a red laser beam, while a bell rings in the background. By naming several apologists such as Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Tim Keller, and Ravi Zacharias, he knocked the legs out from under their arguments. Postman posited that in the future, we would be oppressed not by an outside force like Big Brother in George Orwells dystopian novel, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think,, He predicted that with the rise of technology and communication, people wouldnt be deprived of information, but rather they would be given, that they would become passive and egocentric. As an apologist, my knee-jerk reaction was also to grab my computer and start typing refutations with the force of a thousand suns. Neil Carter is a high school teacher, a writer, a speaker, a father of four, and a skeptic living in the Bible Belt. Over the course of a few days, social-media newsfeeds became inundated with hot takes, responses, disagreements, and praise for the comedy duo. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! But as I tasted from Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, Anabaptist, and other aisles of the supermarket I discovered the Christian faith was much more rich, varied, and delicious than I had ever thought. Celebrity YouTubers Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal have caused a few waves following their collective decision to abandon the Christian faith. Would. What about the rest of the world? Rhett was careful to say he doesnt think these apologists are intentionally deceiving anyone. Doubt always accompany faith. I think Postman was on to something when he wrote, WhatOrwell feared were those who would ban books. So I think that I was primed to hear what they had to say with an open (but biblically-grounded) mind. Should Christian Parents Send Their Children to Public Schools? This channel has made Rhett and Link the fourth highest-earning YouTube stars 3 while reaching audiences around the world. Maybe youre just checking to make sure a bolt of lightning wont immediately strike you the moment you do. Remember that even John the Baptist had a little crisis and needed to be reassured (Matthew 11:1-11). Link asked, Why on airplanes? to which Rhett replied: Because when youre an evangelical Christian, when you sit next to a stranger, this may be the only opportunity you have to share the life changing message of Jesus with them. Unfortunately, much of the church and pastoral leadership seems committed to stopping the proper spiritual development of Christians and instead choose to keep them artificially in a state of spiritual arrested development. . But heres the thing; spiritual deconstruction is in many ways just spiritual puberty. .Both said they are no longer evangelical Christians with Rhett saying he would call himself "a hopeful agnostic" and Link saying he would call himself "an agnostic who wants to be hopeful". That was the key for all of us, wasnt it? As any parent will attest teenagers are difficult, children are much easier to control. Its the. I was crushed. In a church culture where those lines are increasingly blurred, their clarity is refreshing. But where did the first stuff actually come from? Theres one thing I respect about the deconstruction stories of Rhett and Link. I was amazed at the providential coincidences that converged for me, personally, when I listened to these testimonies last week. As they mixed with Christians that perhaps The lesson we can learn from the Rhett and Link story is to observe the power of the media platform, recognize the roadblocks of the new apostles of unbelief, and keep a humble eye to history, remembering that our Savior told us some would fall away. Christians today must be ready to provide a compelling defense for Christand even play some offenseas we demonstrate an alternative story to deconversion. It didnt take long before quickly discovering these two were not some boys who got saved at some church youth camp alter call and then used their new found Christianity merely as a buttress against sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll after that. But dont throw the tub out. Around the time I was nursing a wounded ego for being stood up by the Ricky Schroder fan club, Neil Postman made a prediction in his 1985 book, . None of this is brand new; its been around for years and years and years.. Deconstructing from certain Statements of Faith doesnt mean you have to jettison the Christian faith altogetherin fact for many of us, its put the focus back on Jesus and the fire back in our faith! Evolution by natural selection seemed intolerably non-intuitiveit didnt make any senseand it struck him as a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to explain how a world like ours could come into being without an intelligent designer. Of course, I had never looked at the evidence for evolution. But the same timeworn skepticism the church has interacted with since its inception is given a fresh dose of potency when delivered to a whole new generation by cool and funny guys whove become a fixture of their childhood. I couldnt check his Instagram for updates every hour or tweet at him with the real possibility he might tweet back. Then the format changed. The sad reality is that, for the deconverted, disbelief isnt sufficient. I'm not saying that Rhett and Link walking away from the faith isn't a big deal . This was so convenient because the gift card is digital and gets sent right to your email! and Asian Christians, and Pacific Islander Christians you soon realize the If I wouldve found out he was a former Christian now identifying as agnostic, it would have broken my heart. avenge the attack on Scarlett that day. It may not be them but the have to obey the labels they are partnered with. They already know people are saying one of them led the other astray, as if we arentall being influenced by one person or another at any given time. They no longer identify as Christians so it is not judgmental to refer to them this way.) It was time to stop just reading Christian answers to everything and go a level deeper, looking next at the answers to the Christian answers. With guest appearances on The TODAY Show, Live with Kelly, and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, their stars have been rising for the past few years, swelling their net worth to an estimated $23 million. This is why growth is stunted, why people abandon the faith: our church is too shallow for roots to dig deep. But it was while still back in North Carolina that Rhetts wife, Jessie, had taken Bible courses under agnostic biblical scholarBart Ehrman, and the historical questions those studies raised continued to impact their lives. Tokyo is a recurring joke on Good Mythical Morning. The best chance I had of communicating with him was writing a letter to his fan club. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Now that they no longer need to outsource their morality to God they begin to take more responsibility for it themselves. Right and wrong? When youve mixed with European Christians, Good Mythical Morning, hosted by Rhett &Link, is a morning daily talk show. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize this. Charles Lincoln Neal III) have already established themselves as YouTube's grand old men and as two of the platform's most consistently . God draws people to Jesus, He saves them, and He doesnt lose any of them. Our cultural moment is a cauldron of information and celebrity worship in which the cult of personality can ferment and grow. I read books about it by people who didnt believe in it. But as Reformed Evangelicals these werent simply add on beliefs. Catholics believe one can have lgbtq thoughts/ temptations, but not act on them. Or what about morality? They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now, When they each recorded videos walking fans through their spiritual-deconstruction stories in February, it shot through the internet like a bolt of lightning. Who do you think you are? people will say to them. Should Christians Embrace Evolution? YouTube is putting $ behind branding Rhett and Link as talk show hosts. They were also Christians, former missionaries, and Campus Crusade (now Cru) staff members. feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Why ban a Tim Keller or Ravi Zacharias book when you can create a community in which no one will want to read one? themselves a Christian? My advice to Rhett and Link (and borrowing from the Immortal words of Douglas Adams) is Dont Panic; across the Jordan River of spiritual deconstruction exists a promised Land of a deeper, richer, and more beautiful faith in Christ and his Way. Changed My Whole Entire Being: Ex-Strip Club Owner Born Again, Now Works to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking, UK Lawmakers Demand Stricter Pornography Laws to Combat Epidemic of Violence Against Women, Professor Reveals Why Asbury Revival Is Now Being Called Outpouring and What That Really Means, Christian Ex-Cop Fights Back After Resigning Over Social Media Post About Gods Design For Marriage, Researcher Warns Biblical Theism Is Much Closer to Extinction in America, Unveils Stunning Stats. How Is God Loving if He Allows Suffering. I was angry at the people who wrote the books. The reason Rhett and Link's deconstruction is so important is precisely because they are not scholars and neither are most members of their audience - which is no longer limited to Christians looking for wholesome entertainment. For many people deconstructing, so much of their world revolves around their church community. Mark Spence, a Christian, discusses some controversial subjects with a couple, and they leave once he brings up one topic in particular. I hope theres something. And deal with them now, but dont exchange Christianity with doubts for an empty belief system made solely of doubts. Ill leave you with Rhetts self-description, since it seems a good place to stop: I would call myself a hopeful agnostic. We've known. 1:24; Col. 4:14). Just over a month ago in two hour+ podcast episodes, Rhett and Link told their stories about how they came to believe that Christianity wasn't true. 2. Their response has been very interesting; they have lamented this by retorting something like . To put it bluntly. But as Christians we should be encouraged to remember that for every Rhett and Link, theres a Lee Strobel, a J. Warner Wallace, a Holly Ordway, a C. S. Lewis, and a Rosaria Butterfield who tested their beliefs against the evidence, and found their atheism wanting. I cant help but notice the similarities. Its no wonder, then, that every time we turn around there is yet another, Rhett and Link have grown their brand performing hilarious satirical songs and engaging in zany stunts such as duct-taping themselves together, playing wedgie-hangman, crushing glow sticks in a meat-grinder, and flinging bags of dog feces at one anothers faces. The youth-group kids left flustered and agitated by doubt mightve been entirely unperturbed had they heard those arguments from another source. They loved not the things of the world, but repented of their sin and put all their hope and trust in him. Later in Pauls ministry, however, he writes that Demas ended up loving the present world more than the things of God and walked away (2 Tim. As much as I felt undying love for Ricky Schroder, I knew little about him. Rather, he foretold, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think, pointing to Aldous Huxleys satirical Brave New World. 1:24; Col. 4:14). Yep. He says that he wants to raise his kids to believe in right and wrong, but he doesnt have a standard for it. It gives you purpose. I mean really loved Jesus! I had been pulling on this thread for a really long timeLets call it the sweater of faithI had been pulling on this thread until it had sort of turned into a vestand then a midriffand then a halter tapand now it was a string bikini. The comment sections of their, pages reveal that their stories inspired many atheists and touched the hearts of some folks who experienced similar deconversion journeys, describing the videos as beautiful, candid, and vulnerable.. Indeed they become: From the short exposure Ive had to the spiritual journey of Rhett and Link it seems they will produce even more love, joy, peace, gentleness, and kindness that Jesus says will come from those who are following him. Giza Theme by Pixel Object, G.O.P. The stir online is probably exhausting. Commercial Kings: With Rhett McLaughlin, Link Neal, Shayne Pax, Brandon Taylor. Lover of beans. 24:12). For Rhett, it started with questions relating to science, the age of the earth, and evolution. As an actor playing a character on a TV show, my access was limited. Theres a lot of other people on it. Postman posited that in the future, we would be oppressed not by an outside force like Big Brother in George Orwells dystopian novel1984. Read what Steve Ham has to say on this subject. .What do you think happens after you die? Rhett & Link are entertainers who primarily use the Internet to display their talents. They like to call themselves "Internetainers." Charles Lincoln Neal and Rhett McLaughlin first met on the first day of first grade in Buies Creek, North Carolina, when they were held in class during recess as punishment for writing profanity on their desks. We don't. What about the beginning? Could it be that the cultural influences driving these deconstruction stories needs to be re-examined, rather than Christianity itself? It isnt the skeptics who crave constant assurances were on the right track. So, if you want to listen to them you can do so without fear. I laughed out loud when Rhett talked about engaging people on airplanes by spouting talking points from books byJosh MacDowell and Lee Strobel. For example, in 2016, they worked on a scripted television show called Rhett & Link's Buddy System that saw the pair act in a bid to entertain their viewers. I want to hear MUCH MORE about this from Link and Rhett. For more than a decade, Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal have made videos together under the name Rhett & Link, cementing their bromance as one of YouTube's most memorable partnerships.In a recent vlog, McLaughlin and Neal who have been buddies since the first grade took their friendship to another level. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. Get resources, podcast episodes, and SWO updates sent directly to your inbox. This was my LIFE. He feared that truth would be lost in a sea of irrelevance. Fast forward 35 years to a day replete with a global internet and smartphones, and Postmans words ring with the chill of prophetic accuracy. We still believe the truth and the opinion of two YouTube comedians cannot change that. Since the release of their stories, several apologists and scholars have offered sound rebuttals to some of the claims made by Rhett in particular. By Dawson Gaillard FOR about some the reason seasoned, as I aged sat in bricks a French dating Quarter back to patio the musing 1700's, about the seasoned, aged bricks dating back to the 1700's, I began to think of Gone with the Wind. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When Scarlett was seen in Ashley's arms at the saw mill she knew. Rhett explains that his first step toward evolution came through Francis Collins' book The Language of God. before can enthusiastically answer, YES, Jesus never answered the thief on the cross who asked Christ to remember him when he came into his Kingdom with, This Day youll be with me in Paradisejust so long as you also believe the world was created in six days. It would appear that despite how destabilizing and difficult their deconstruction processes were, they no longer, The sad reality is that, for the deconverted, disbelief isnt sufficient. At one point, Rhett asked a very good question. After all, when someone is conversant in apologetics and theology, knows his Bible, and can anticipate my suspicions and objections, its difficult to simply pass him off as someone who never really understood Christianity. When it comes to apologetics, its a very helpful tactic to show unbelievers the truths of the Bible. Why do Rhett and Link homeschool? 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