vesta ann sproul obituary
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Sr. cant stop Jr. from spending his money on alcohol. It may be all they can do to get help. Well, I am diabetic (Type 1, specifically) and I do take insulin. Velour wrote: Many of us have suffered tragedies. Joining another church across town was never a good enough reason. @ Barbara Roberts: AA in particular is seriously overrated, and even the courts know it. Temporarily remove the alcohol factor from consideration. We have to be humble to accept help, especially if you think you should be a perfect Christian. Sproul 2s drinking (and whatever other problems that he has) and an intervention by family and friends with a trained professional. When those boundaries get repeatedly violated then a marital separation might be called for, although it doesnt always need to even be a legal separation filed in the courts. The accusation about St. Peter Presbyterian Church being a cult and RC Sproul Jr being a cult leader was widely assumed for years in Bristol, Virginia especially among pastors in the area. Thanks ever so much. Intriguing. An 501(c)3 pastoral position of public trust has been verified? Thanks for your response, thoughts, and viewpoint. However, Lisa (Sproul?) And he does say at the end of the article the Bible does not condemn alcohol, and so I cannot forbid my brother in Christ from drinking. We all hope that Dr. Sproul attempted to intercede with his sons alcoholism, rather than leaving his sons conscience to deal with it he was obviously in trouble. do know someone that you banned and she was offended and has never returned to your blog. And some people have been at this for years, apparently, and have developed precision skills in defense of their agenda. Someone who lurks here and has a family history of alcoholism, and struggles with the issue as a Christian, found Barbaras response to H.U.G. It didnt help me with depression or anxiety (thats the truth), and I did try attending a few different churches at low points in my life. Why not? When your theology is based on exclusionary principles, you have to accept the consequences when that sword cuts the other direction. and We dont need to be accepting alcohol abuse at any level merely because it may be a disease. So these people have a high tolerance for alcohol, habitually drink large amounts on a regular basis and your first impression is that they may not be alcoholics? He died on December 14, 2017 in Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA. Im wondering if a 2018 resolution will be about depravity or the elect???? Based on everything Im reading about this guy in this thread and the OP by various people, (that he joined an adultery site, hes been a bully for years, is authoritarian, he has his church ostracize ex members, etc) are you saying that this bad fruit should be ignored, all because the guy is also an alcoholic? I didnt have serious burns, jist brown patches, PTL! They are likely growing up in a home with an alcoholic and will develop serious problems as the years go on. Even today, that daughter, who is now in her mid-thirties, is still living that life. job loss). I was right I needed to read that passage in I Corinthians 5 again. i think of my agnostic relatives. In that case, the hurting people reference is not applicable and its spin off allusions are incorrect and misleading. Shouldnt they be in some kind of program with medical doctors or psychiatrists and psychologists? I am not making excuses. No prison time. I drove to the hospital right after shutting off the gas and water at our house. What does that mean? You and I differ on this, and I see no agreement between us on the issue of what is the rightful place of the church in such matters. I have updated the post with photos of the injuries I sustained almost 45 years ago because someone chose to drink and drive. I dont think you have any real awareness, Julie Anne, of the damage that Barbaras words did to people who lurk here who struggle with addiction. Is is with a licensed professional whos trained and qualified in alcoholism? to assemble a bevy of personal intimate liaisons, or Trying to live love and help my husband. Sorry. The person will be encouraged to continue the behavior. Good insights. Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but I will upset folks if I keep talking catch you on the next TWW piece. I was excommunicated from my NeoCalvinist church on a trumped up charge, like the godly doctor in his 70s before me, and a godly middle-aged woman in finance before him.). Im not seeing how sitting in a church building once a week listening to sermons treats things such as depression or alcoholism. Many non Christians came and eventually came to The Lord. R C Sproul Junior needs to be put out of the church and that needs to be very publicly done because he has been so significant at Ligonier. Tullian Tchividjian and Fortress Press: Dont Legitimate Second Chances Require a Real Track Record of RepentanceFirst? Christiane wrote: link. Hes a drunkard, by definition. This is normal for their family. That is my understanding of what you are saying. We could not see how brainwashed we had been until we had gained some distance, time, and perspective. There was no condemnation of her drinking, just sadness and even more love, and powerful lessons about the price of alcoholism. I think what I am trying yo say is each person stands before God on his/her own.were we guilty of our sons choices,? What will other alcoholics in the pews do or substance abusers who are struggling? She did not show that she had no clue. The person will be encouraged to continue the behavior. @ Claire: They can clarify their views here. As you might already know he recently plead guilty to one felony in a plea bargain. and me. You are correct. The idea of just kicking someone to the curb and not getting them help (and help for their family) is not the Christian thing to do, in my opinion. Even if his church wanted to help him get clean and sober and go into treatment, he very likely has the people under him (the ones who stay) brainwashed enough that they believe that a) he can do no wrong, and b) if he is said to have done something wrong, it is actually persecution and not that he has done anything wrong, because (see point a). Ive read all your comments to this point, yes, and Im still mystified why you are so upset with other peoples comments. Q. Should the entire church have been warned to stay away from Daisy, to have nothing to do with her, and that shes probably destined for Hell (because she just hasnt gotten over it and shaped up?)? The alcoholic never thinks about anyone other then themselves. What does that mean? Youve posted several comments about this and never mentioned that Sproul 2s church should get him into treatment for alcoholism (and whatever else ails him). WHEN THE MAN WHO ABUSES YOU IS ALSO A COP. That is where God met me and my family member. Some never recover, some fully recover- but all live with the result of where they are and how they got there one way or another. After awhile, even when things settle down, one can still feel the same sort of anxiety. No-one was there for me either Daisy. Velour was being hostile to a few people up thread such as Barbara and Julie Anne, and later, to me. There is so much more that is known about alcoholism and addiction. He held degrees from Westminster College (B.A., 1961), Pittsburgh . Its one thing for churches to give crummy, harmful (medical / psychological) advice to people I do agree that we have different views here. We all grieve over our grown children when they inflict pain on themselves and others knowing that most of the time our help is rejected. It is surely a complex issue with no single cause. As flawed and controlling and crazy-making as that church might have been, at least most of the people there didnt strike me as malicious. Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States, Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida, United States, edited the Biography and Status Indicators,, Obituary published in the Orlando Sentinel, 15 Dec 2017, Presbyterian Church in the United States of America Ministers. If it makes someone uncomfortable, me thinks they may need to do some self examination about their drinking. [or cut out entirely] Double that if other people start making comments to you about it. I have to have a blood sugar reading within certain limits in order to be allowed to drive. I had to figure it out myself later in life. (And the same goes for HUG where he contemptuously described me as righteous.). In that hearing RC Sproul Jr plead guilty to one of four criminal charges against him: 9-30-5-3(a)(2)/F6: Operating Veh. Like RC2, he drove around drunk with our grandkids in the car. Hopefully an intervention can be done on Sproul 2 and his minor children can be removed from his care since he is a danger to them. We are called in the Bible to many other things, including loving one another, bearing each others burdens, than simply kicking people out who arent like us. Rcjr is a gentle spirited man who loves his family and grieves over his sin. I think its the same person. Why do so many people not realize they are doing what Paul refers to here in II Cor 11 19-21: For you, being so wise, tolerate the foolish gladly. The domination by one person makes it difficult to have a healthy conversation. There are people who are alcoholics and yes, the first drink (beer, etc.) Im going to look at this again, with your comments in mind. and me. So whether he sobers up or not the focus needs to be on doing whatever is necessary to prevent him from scheming his way back into ministry where he will be given the opportunity of committing more spiritual abuse. So that is why I and possibly some others had a visceral reaction of Remove this cancer from the Body once and for all. Does his life bear the mark of a Christian? The lady in the story died of alcoholism. RC2 is doing this having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Paul said in this same verse to Avoid such people.. What RC-Jr did was jump from one denomination to another so he could continue in his own ministry, and the denominations do not respect one anothers defrocking (although they usually respect one anothers ordinations). Sproul was founder of Ligonier Ministries, first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew's Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of R Dr. R.C. You have taken this quote out of context . Nice story about your father, Brian. That being said I think the far more important issue is figuring out some ways of keeping the public safe from him. Sprouls serious drinking problem, his abusive behaviors toward people (including former church members and entire families), and a string of other disqualifying behaviors. Please stop advocating for his children? There are phone books with that same information. or an idolater, [worshiping false gods] Telling me how to think, how to feel, that Im not permitted to use certain terminology. Velour wrote: Perhaps you missed Barbaras comment on Friday at 5:40 p.m. to H.U.G. I even pointed out that books BY people who are MHPs themselves mention cautions to their readers to be careful when doctor shopping because, they say, some MHPs are inept or charlatans. They are quite different. I would because its factoring into your misunderstanding or assumptions about Barbaras first post to this thread. R.C. This man needs help. I personally think I was a piece of crap uncle but thats me. No one can make him do that. Wine for all (no grape juicewhat are you, some kind of wimp?) at communion. But to take that info and post it here? The church can also play an important role, and probably has the financial resources, to get Sproul 2 into a treatment program and to come alongside his children and second wife and get them help too. Believe me, I am all for treatment, and I am extremely frustrated that there seems to be no way to help someone who doesnt want treatment, whether they deny they have a problem, or they admit that they have a problem but they dont want treatment anyway. They absolutely cannot be shamed, manipulated, coerced, convinced, or reasoned into sobriety. Most, not all, have btdt with the Church. Whatever issues he has and whatever wrong he has done, he is still a human person in need of help, the RIGHT KIND of help. View pages/Spiritual-Sounding-Board/266400143480456?ref=hls profile on Facebook, View @defendthesheeps profile on Twitter, View soundingboards profile on Pinterest, BGBC Lawsuit Archive (Julie Annes lawsuit), 00 Guide to Navigating the BGBC Defamation Lawsuit Archive, 01 Court Dates and Documents, and Analysis of Allegations, 02A Narrative Account and Analysis: The Lawsuit, 02B Narrative Account and Analysis: Sidebar Issues, 03 BGBC Defamation Lawsuit Events Timeline, 04 BGBC Defamation Lawsuit Media/Blog Response Timeline, 05 Analysis/Commentary Pieces Legal, Historical, Media, Other, 06 Impact of the Case and Significance for the Future, Quotes from Readers I Dont Want to Forget, Glossary of Manipulative Rhetorical Gambits and Code Words, R.C. Even pastor Wade Burleson who has E-Church here on Sundays doesnt subscribe to that. Hello Velour, I am sorry you were excommunicated on a trumped up charge. And have a happy upcoming wedding anniversary. RC Sproul Sr was, at least in RC Jrs formative years, a heavy smoker and drinker and set the example for his son. My mother couldnt believe I was home so early, lol. I do know someone that you banned and she was offended and has never returned to your blog. I think that is all what she was getting at, her basic point. Sr. CAN keep Jr. from standing in the pulpit. Q. And I agree with #3 the kicker is, does HE want treatment? I cant imagine going through what you did at such a young age. Its great the people at her church were nice to her and paid for her funeral, but from what I recall of the story, she ended up dying even after entering a hospital? As the saying goes, A.A. I dont think Barbara used the word excommunicate, although I do see how one could extrapolate the idea from kicked out. From the time I was a kid up until my early 30s, I saw various psychiatrists and a psychologist or two along the way. So Ill start to believe that RC is repentant when he contacts me personally to confess and repent of all the damage he caused me and my family. You havent talked to everyone (not even close) so how could you make such assumptions? I think you are misunderstanding me. Even my best friend knew I could not speak of it. According to Ligonier Ministries: Dr. R.C. Barbra said that R.C. I have updated the post with photos of the injuries I sustained almost 45 years ago because someone chose to drink and drive. I was very clear that R.C. I learned fairly early in life to fear drunk driving. Just as people say, Guns do not kill people, people kill people. So also, alcohol is not the problem, but the people who abuse it. If that was the objective of RC Sproul Jr he should know its worked! Sorry to burst the bubbles of any here who revere RC Sproul Sr, but as the old adage goes The nut doesnt fall very far from the tree.. Biblical church discipline is not Dark Ages nor cruel. How did his parents handle their sons defrocking in 2006? Robert Sproul Obituary . Please explain to us how her logic is flawed. Yes, it is helpless to watch people on a path of self-destruction. And that blinking smug look that comes with it. That is a whole different level of bad behavior. Maybe Sproul 1 needs support from other families of alcoholics (and professionals) in order to have the emotional and spiritual strength to let his son hit bottom. Ive taken alky friends and acquaintances to AA meetings, so I know both programs pretty well. For Sproul Jr. to only get probation and no prison term must have been the result of having a good lawyer. I knew theyd made a typo and I found it a rather amusing typo which is why I took it further by pointing out that RC Jr needs to be born again (which entails being washed in the blood of Christ.). Dr. R.C. There is usually a reason when people have strong feelings of negativity, and this issue triggers emotional responses from many of us Its not about hypocrisy, its about the fact that we all have feet of clay and yet strive to do what is right, stumbling as we keep walking. Medications did not help me, either. from her when she kept on and on telling us that we were wrong to take the view we took about codependency. Substance abusers who are alcoholics and yes, it is helpless to watch people on a of... Am Trying yo say is each person stands before God on his/her own.were we guilty of our sons,! Home with an alcoholic and will develop serious problems as the years go on you have to have blood! Was getting at, her basic point things settle down, one can still feel the goes! My best friend knew I could not see how one could extrapolate the idea from kicked out ( beer etc! All ( no grape juicewhat are you, some kind of wimp? position of public trust been... 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