uscg sector commander
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Basic knowledge of Marine systems troubleshooting and maintenance. The boundaries of Sector Buffalo's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone include all navigable waters of the United States and contiguous land areas within the boundaries of an area starting from a point on the international boundary in Lake Erie at latitude 421924 N, longitude 803110 W, proceeding southwest along the international boundary to a point at latitude 414036 N, longitude 822500 W; thence south to latitude 410000 N; thence east to longitude 785458 W; thence north to latitude 420000 N; thence east to the east bank of the Delaware River at latitude 420000 N, longitude 752128 W; thence east to longitude 743900 W; thence north to the international boundary at a point at latitude 445958 N, longitude 743900 W; thence southeast along the international boundary to the starting point. Dispatch search and rescue units (SRUs) based on this information. (a) The District Office is in New Orleans, La. Sector Houston-Galveston's office is located in Houston, TX. The Coast Guard's Pacific Area encompasses six of the seven continents, 71 countries, and more than 74 million square miles of ocean -- from the U.S. Western States to Asia, and from the Arctic to Antarctica. Jason Smith, commander of Sector Houston-Galveston, Shirley Reagor, 102-year-old original member of the Coast Guard SPARS, and Cmdr. Departments. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Valdez, is located in Valdez, AK. - Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security,, Coast Guard Areas, Districts, Sectors, Marine Inspection Zones, and Captain of the Port Zones. Today, D13's headquarters is located in Seattle with three Sector offices managing operations in their respective areas - Puget Sound, Columbia River and North Bend. 503 (63 Stat. (b) The boundaries of the MSU Pittsburgh Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones include that portion of Pennsylvania south of latitude 410000 N and west of longitude 790000 W; in West Virginia: Preston, Monongalia, Marion, Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, and Hancock Counties, and that part of the Ohio River north of a line drawn from latitude 393918 N (approximately mile 127.2) on the Ohio River, just below the Hannibal Lock and Dam; and in Ohio: Stark, Columbiana, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, Jefferson, and Belmont Counties, and those parts of Summit, Portage, and Mahoning Counties south of latitude 410000N. The general statements of policy in the rules describing Coast Guard organization are prescribed pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3.65-10 Sector Puget Sound Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. The boundaries of Activities Far East's Marine Inspection Zone coincide with the boundaries of the Fourteenth Coast Guard District, which are described in 3.70-1, excluding those areas within the Honolulu and Guam Marine Inspection Zones, as described in this part. This transparency of information helps to ensure that as many ships as possible are inspected while at the same time prevents ships from being delayed by unnecessary, redundant inspections. 3.25-20 Sector North Carolina Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Captain Lam has been married for 19 years to the former Wai Ching Fan of Poquoson, VA and they have two sons, Mason and Aidan. As the Sector Commander, he leads over 700 Coast Guardsmen and Auxiliary personnel who conduct Coast Guard missions across 55,000 square nautical miles that include the prestine Florida Keys. the hierarchy of the document. Sector Detroit Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. 2135; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. These waters extend east to the Eastern Hemisphere dividing line between the Atlantic and Pacific Areas which lies along a line extending from the North Pole south along 100 E. longitude to the Asian land mass and along a line extending from the South Pole north along 17 E. longitude to the African land mass. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Duluth, is located in Duluth, MN. In this senior service school program, he researched how the U.S. marine transportation systems resiliency could be improved given challenges associated with the novel coronavirus pandemic. Captain Lams previous operational units include service as Deputy Commander of Sector Boston, Commanding Officer of Maritime Safety and Security Team (MSST) Los Angeles Long Beach, Command Center and Enforcement Chief at Sector Miami, Detachment Officer-in-Charge (OIC) and plank owner of MSST Seattle, Law Enforcement Detachment OIC at Tactical Law Enforcement Team North, and Deck Watch Officer aboard USCGC MUNRO (WHEC-724) in Alameda, CA. CG-2 serves as the primary interface between the Coast Guard and the national Intelligence Community for policy, program, budget, planning, and oversight matters. Stations. (3) Some specified sectors exercise Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator (SMC) authority over a designated portion of an encompassing sector's area of responsibility. United States Coast Guard Station San Juan is a United States Coast Guard station established in 1993 and located in La Puntilla sector of historic Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Uploaded by Adrian B. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. Sector Corpus Christi's office is located in Corpus Christi, TX. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. [CGFR 61-40, 26 FR 10351, Nov. 3, 1961, as amended by CGD 87-008, 52 FR 13084, Apr. Assistant Commandant for Intelligence, Coast Guard Headquarters (CG-2). The boundaries of Sector Juneau's Southeast Alaska Marine Inspection and Captain of the Port Zones start at latitude 600118 N, longitude 1420000 W, proceeding northeast to the EEZ near the Canadian border at latitude 601824 N, longitude 1410000 W; thence south and east along the EEZ on the United States-Canadian shore side boundary to the intersection of the Canadian coast and the Coast Guard District Seventeen southern border at latitude 544000 N, longitude 1311506 W; thence west along the southern border of Coast Guard District Seventeen to the intersection with the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 543811 N, longitude 1400126 W; thence north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to latitude 561450 N, longitude 1420000 W; thence north to the point of origin. (a) The District Office is in Alameda, California. [CGFR 70-150, 36 FR 910, Jan. 20, 1971, as amended by USCG-2003-14505, 68 FR 9534, Feb. 28, 2003; USCG-2020-0304, 85 FR 58275, Sept. 18, 2020]. 3.40-10 Sector Mobile Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. A Sector is a shore-based operational unit of the United States Coast Guard. One of two overdue fishermen was rescued by Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter aircrew and a Good Samaritan vessel Monday after the fisherman was found stranded on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Zeita Merchant, commander of Sector New York. Golden Gate. August 2, 2007, Last edited on 30 November 2022, at 21:30, Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, International Ship and Port Facility Security Code,,, The appeal of a COTP order or OCMI matter is routed from the MSU Commander through the Sector Commander and then to the District Commander. The boundaries of Sector Key West's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start at the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 251134 N, longitude 794131 W, proceeding northeast to the Miami-Dade County, FL boundary at latitude 252452 N, longitude 801939 W; thence west along the southern boundary of Miami-Dade County to the western boundary at latitude 251036 N, longitude 805129 W; thence north along the western boundary of Miami-Dade County to the southern boundary of Collier County, FL; thence west along the southern boundary of Collier County to latitude 254812 N, longitude 812039 W; thence southwest to the outermost extent of the EEZ at latitude 241857 N, longitude 845048 W; thence east and then north along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the point of origin. Is one of two USCG Search and Rescue station in the Caribbean. Bio Portrait Sector Southeastern New England Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone. Title 33 was last amended 2/17/2023. Sector Honolulu's office is located in Honolulu, HI. The Pakistan Army attacked Chamb on the same principle as the Battle of Chamb (1965). Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. full text search results Captain Jason Ingram assumed the duties as Sector Key West Commander and Captain of the Port in May, 2022. Senator Thad Cochrans personal staff addressing homeland security appropriations, the Atlantic Area Commanders staff managing six MSSTs, and attending the College of William and Marys Master of Public Policy program. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. Sector Key West's office is located in Key West, FL. His personal awards include three Meritorious Service Medals, four Coast Guard Commendation Medals, Department of Transportation 9-11 Medal, Commandants Letter of Commendations, and other Service awards. After World War II, the Coast Guard continued to grow and improve its multi-mission capability, while striving to balance the safety and security of American ports. The Coast Guard received a call directly from the stranded man at 4:24 a.m., after he was unable . USCG Social Media Handbook. [USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39170, July 1, 2013]. He also served in staff assignments as CAG Director to the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard; Performance Analysis Division Chief for the Coast Guards Office of Performance Management and Assessment, and the Chief of Officer Promotions for the Personnel Service Centers Officer Personnel Management Division. Subject to the overriding provisions of 3.40-5, the boundaries of Sector Mobile's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone start near the Florida coast at latitude 300545 N., 0840434 W. proceeding northerly along the boundary between Wakulla and Jefferson counties to position 301500 N., 0840433 W.; thence west to latitude 301500 N, longitude 844500 W; thence north to a point near the southern bank of the Seminole Lake at latitude 304557 N, longitude 844500 W; thence northeast along the eastern bank of the Seminole Lake and north along the eastern bank of the Flint River to latitude 322000 N, longitude 840151 W; thence northwest to the intersection of the Georgia-Alabama border at latitude 325300 N; thence north along the Georgia-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Dekalb County, AL, thence west along the northern boundaries of Cherokee, Etowah, Blount, Cullman, Winston, and Marion Counties, AL, to the Mississippi-Alabama border; thence north along the Mississippi-Alabama border to the southern boundary of Tishomingo County, MS, at the Mississippi-Tennessee border; thence west along the southern boundaries of Tishomingo and Prentiss Counties; thence north along the western boundaries of Prentiss and Alcorn Counties; thence west along the northern boundaries of Tippah, Benton, and Marshall Counties, MS; thence south and west along the eastern and southern boundaries of DeSoto, Tunica, Coahoma, Bolivar, and Washington Counties, MS; thence east along the northern boundary of Humphreys and Holmes Counties, MS; thence south along the eastern and southern boundaries of Holmes, Yazoo, Warren, Claiborne, Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson Counties, MS; thence east from the southernmost intersection of Wilkinson and Amite Counties, MS, to the west bank of the Pearl River; thence south along the west bank of the Pearl River to longitude 893148 W (at the mouth of the river); thence south along longitude 893148 W to latitude 301000 N; thence east along latitude 301000 N to longitude 891000 W; thence southeast to latitude 290000 N, longitude 880000 W; thence south along longitude 880000 W to the outermost extent of the EEZ; thence east along the outermost extent of the EEZ to the intersection with a line bearing 199T from with a line bearing 199T from 292309 N., 0840434 W. to the EEZ (244813 N., 0855005 W.); thence northeast to 292309 N., 0840434 W.; thence due north to the Florida coast at longitude 0840434 W. (300545 N., 0840434 W.). As sector commander, Manning will be in charge of more than 550 active duty, reserve and civilian personnel and 1,200 all-volunteer Coast Guard Auxiliary members. (1) A Coast Guard Sector Commander is in command of a Coast Guard Sector and the Sector Commander's office is referred to as a Coast Guard Sector Office. Marie Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone; Marine Safety Unit Duluth. The boundaries of Sector North Bend's Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Zone start at a point 4512.0 N. latitude, 12318.0 W. longitude and proceeds southward along the 12318.0 W. longitude, to a point 4200.0 N. latitude, 12318.0 W. longitude; thence westerly along 420.00 N. latitude to the sea. (g) Each COTP Zone and each Marine Inspection Zone described in this part also includes the United States territorial seas adjacent to the described area or zone for the purpose of enforcing or acting pursuant to a statute effective in the United States territorial seas. This matrix is still used today to prioritize ships for port state control inspections based on their relative risk. The boundaries of Sector Detroit's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone include all navigable waters of the United States and contiguous land areas within the boundaries of an area starting from a point at latitude 410000 N, longitude 844812 W on the Ohio-Indiana boundary, proceeding east to longitude 822500 W; thence north to the international boundary in Lake Erie at latitude 414036 N, longitude 822500 W; thence north along the international boundary to latitude 444300 N in Lake Huron; thence due west to latitude 444300 N, longitude 843000 W; thence south to the Michigan-Ohio boundary at latitude 414213 N; thence west along the Michigan-Ohio boundary to the Ohio-Michigan-Indiana boundary at latitude 414146 N, longitude 844822 W; thence south along the Ohio-Indiana boundary to the starting point. The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. Implementation of the MTSA and ISPS Code was achieved by working closely with the Coast Guards industry and agency partners.[1]. Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 [Docket Number USCG-2023-0170] RIN 1625-AA00 Safety Zone; Aransas Bay, Corpus Christi, TX . In order to be successful in all of these missions, the Coast Guard worked directly with local shipping companies and pilots' associations to ensure that American ports remained safe and secure, but also afforded appropriate avenues for commerce. A subordinate unit, Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Port Arthur, is located in Port Arthur, TX. Sector St. Petersburg is comprised of 2,700 Active Duty, Reserve, Civilian, and Auxiliary personnel, as well as 12 multi-mission units, including five boat stations, six cutters, and an Aids to Navigation Team. email Lieutenant Commander Anthony Garofalo, Sector Corpus Christi Waterways Management Division, U.S. Coast Guard; telephone 361-939-5130, Still missing is Wilson Negrn, who is the remaining of two fishermen reported overdue in this case. The Sector San Francisco office is located in San Francisco, CA. WASHINGTON DC 20593-7318. Commander Dykeman is a 2007 graduate of the U. S. Coast Guard Academy, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. [USCG-2006-25556, 72 FR 36323, July 2, 2007, as amended by USCG-2014-0410, 79 FR 38427, July 7, 2014; USCG-2013-0491, 80 FR 20163, Apr. Previously, Captain Kahle served as a Secretary of Defense Executive Fellow, where he directly engaged with senior executives across leading U.S. companies to identify organizational best practices and foster collaboration between industry and the DoD/DHS. FAR). (b) The Seventeenth Coast Guard District shall comprise the State of Alaska; the ocean area bounded by a line from the Canadian Coast at latitude 5440 N. due west to longitude 140 W.; thence southwesterly to position 40 N., 150 W.; thence due west to position 40 N., 165 E.; thence due north to latitude 43 N.; thence northwesterly to 51 N., 158 E.; thence north and east along the coastline of the continent of Asia to East Cape; thence north to the Arctic Ocean. This button displays the currently selected search type. Unless otherwise specified, the Sector Commander's authorities include Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator, Federal Maritime Security Coordinator, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, and, in most Sectors, Officer in Charge Marine Inspection (OCMI) and Captain of the Port (COTP). 2004 International Search & Rescue Competition. To facilitate information exchange, the Coast Guard developed the Maritime Information Exchange and Port State Information Exchange systems to share vital safety information with fellow port states and shipping companies. Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United States. The ICC is the Coast Guard's strategic intelligence analysis and production center. The boundaries of Sector San Juan's Marine Inspection Zone and Captain of the Port Zone comprise both the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territory of the Virgin Islands, and the waters adjacent to both, in an area enclosed by the outermost extents of the EEZ, subject to existing laws and regulations. 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