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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

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That's normal. Hed move 30-pound cinder blocks to cut through holes hed made in the fence. But I refused to put him in a shelter, if a rescue group was able to take him in and he could go into a home I would do that. Adoption processing stops a half-hour before closing. And so I still say no! I hv 3 dogs..all rescue. Never say never Sometimes people actually grow up and understand and regret what they have done in the past. In those cases, they should not be allowed to adopt again. We could not take a chance she would do that to a child or anyone else. My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. They voluntarily gave up their pets to a kill shelter and then think they can just adopt another one? Anybody who adopts from a shelter/rescue is most likely well aware of the plight of the majority of shelter animals, and would be hard-pressed to relinquish a dog to the same shitty situation it came from, if they have a smidgeon of a conscience. At this point in my life I cant imagine anything which would force me to give her up. We thought we did everything right, but he just couldnt handle the stress. Hell no! There is absolutely no way any person be allowed to adopt again!!! If they make the effort to te-home the pet with people they have vetted then by all means. Theyre both friendly, but two separate families took them in for the day. Here you can find all the benefits of adopting an animal from Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Department, the adoption fees, additional fees, and frequently asked questions and our responses. was it fair for one of them to be bitten? Monitor the books of all non profit rescues monitor the number of dogs in and where they go. If a person adopts a dog and then surrenders it, they should not be allowed to adopt again. I watched a movie a while ago called Wendy and Lucy. People get pets and after the newness has worn off or they find out it will cost a fortune to groom the dog or cat they either throw it outside and let it fin for itself or take it to the pound. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. Adopting an animal is not a temporary thing but a lifetime commitment. I put over $3000. This is the best circumstance because you will already have a better chance of seeing your dog again and the odds are in your favor the home will be a good one. Things my husband promised me we would do together for him when I agreed to let him keep the stray he found two years ago. Intake staff can become very busy or may not be able to answer the phone due to handling an incoming . You turn in any animal to a shelter especially a high kill should be put on a no-adopt/buy/foster list. repeat offenders no. They should never ever be able to adopt nor own another pet, EVER!!! I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. Surrender twice, 10 year ban. Not all people that do that have malice in their heart and they may really in truly love their animals. Then that be evaluated to see if they should be able to adopt later. Bringing your pet to the shelter. They will just go seek out a dog for free somewhere, and we all know how easy that is to do. What the heck is wrong with people? NO. There is a $50 fee for relinquishing a pet. No marks were left but it scared me. I would have loved to have taken a 24 to each of them for their heinous disregard for life! Craigslist, newspaper, Facebook, Walmart parking lot. Their actions are saying that even though the dog will most likely be euthanized, that they dont Another would be if a major medical issue came up that required hospitalization, or extensive treatment so that I could not meet his needs. Their unconditional love for me demands the same in return. It would never cross my mind to dump her at a shelter. Memphis Animal Services can assist you if there is some necessary medical care your pet needs that you can't afford. I believe NOunfortunately there are people who have no choicebut that being saidI have health issues and worry about my old girl Ethel, a beagle that I adopted from a rescue groupwhen I went into the hospital, more then once, I have asked friends if they could take her onshe is not a dog most people would want because she is old, becoming deaf, and does not play or walk muchbut one of my friends said she would take her, other friends said they would make sure she would not go to a shelterI also learned that the rescue group would take her back if anything happened to me, most of them doso if you cant keep your pet try to make arrangements for them or make sure to adopt from a rescue groupExcuses like getting a new dog, having a baby, the dog is getting old, or t he myriad of excuses Ive heard are NOT acceptablewe adopt our pets for LIFE! There you can see the Super Urgent, the urgent dogs, the folders with the dogs killed or saved by day and month. I disagree with this. Had this had been a different dog that attacked the other dog. Otherwise, YES to all questions. People marry and divorce, but can marry again. We need to be harsher with people there are millions of life lost in these shelters!!! So my Beagle and I did our best and we prayed that our old man would be okay there. Humane Society of Broward County. I had to return my dog to the shelter after almost 4 years of consistent aggression and biting, finally resulting in her grabbing and holding onto my wrist. Many rescues/shelters will not return an animal to a person who surrendered the animal (with some exceptions) in part out of concern that whatever caused a person to surrender the animal could happen again. turning pets in to any shelter should have circumstances of release documented thoroughly and placed on a State-wide list that all shelters would have access to. eeps attitude is an example of why so many people turn to Craigslist and just skip the rescue groups. So basically it should be based on why there was a previous surrender. No they shouldnt ever be allowed to ever own another animal let alone adopt another one.Why so they can surrender them again to a kill shelter?POS. The dog was not socialized, not trained, high prey drive and had never been to a vet. He had already had two homes by the time we found each other. Put them on a do not own list. These people do NOT deserve to adopt again, as I am sure they will surrender again Th The difference is once they get back on their feet they can get their pet back. Animal Surrender Before surrendering a pet to Animal Friends, we encourage you to consider our Home-to-Home Adoption program. There are rescues out there for every type of dog. He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. And dont say Id live in my car before Id rehome my animals, because seriously, trying to force a large or energetic dog to live in a vehicle is just insane. Of course, there are ways around that, such as having a friend or family member adopt the pet. I have been the shelter shepherd for a non-profit, no-kill sanctuary for 10 years. Fortunately, it also means the owner has put their faith in our judgement and level of care for the animal. Nobody would deny that. But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. She finally stopped when, the only thing that would grab her attention away from me was string beans (she liked them). Taking on a pet is a life long commitment, like a child. There are just so many cases that have a back story to them. PS: And I DO believe you WOULD dump another dog at the shelter, cause you know F all of coaching or keeping a dog. My husband and I have had many dogs during out lives, some rescues and some from puppies all with different issues or not. Theyre a lifetime commitment, their lifetime. They should also be fingerprinted. My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. There truly are times when peoplecare desperate and cannot find another way. Then what? Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. She luckily works from home and he needed around the clock care. I tried everything Craigslist, adoption sites, flyers, you name it. People live on very restricted budget. Even though there may be extenuating circumstances, those who surrender a pet should be barred from having the chance to adopt again. You must be 18 years old to surrender an animal. I volunteer with a rescue and its heartbreaking to hear the reasoning behind a surrender the dog is too big too much trouble no time etc etc If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security. I got her cleaned up and vetted. Its like using abortion as a form of birth control. A few get a more chances if reserved, but if the person that is supposed to pick them up doesnt show next day they go back to the list. I think there should be a registry for this, just as there should be a registry for animal abuse. Getting a pet is a lifetime commitment, through thick & thin, illnesses, surgeries, etc. If you make a purchase after clicking them, we may get a small commission. I have even made arrangements with family that if something should happen to us, they will take her in for the rest of her days. not just no but HELL no!!!! And sometimes, people get animals when they have the time to love and care for them, but something unfortunate and unforeseeable happens and they no longer can care for the animal. Still, person after person abandoned the dog they, at one point, had promised to love and provide for forever. Animals are precious and depend on us for love and care. While . After about a year and a half of everyone coexisting peacefully the one and a half-year-old boxer border collie mix decided she was going to not only attack but also try to attack and kill my Tibetan terrier mix. Never should they be allowed to adopt! NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN !! Want to know why there are so many dogs available for adoptionits the sit-on-the-throne-of-judgemental people running teh adoptions! Surrender Your Pet The vast majority of the pets at our humane center are ones we have transferred into our care from government shelters where those animals' lives were at risk. However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. Rabies Vaccinations and Microchipping. I clicker-trained him. **If you adopted your pet from another shelter or . How glad I am! To surrender an animal, please use this link to fill out . When I did, the cat would have nothing to do with me, but wolfed down the food. The others should be on a case by case basis. I think there are definitely situations that cant be helped; medical crisis, job loss, or eviction from homebut I would like the owners to try to do their part at finding a safe loving home for their pet/rehoming versus dumping at a kill shelter. Those that surrender their animals should be on a separate registry. I would prefer stronger laws restricting breeding, enforcing spay/neuter, and stronger community support for shelters. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! i had to do this one time (it still eats at me) i lived out in the country and had 2 dogs, a st bernard and a shepard mix. In the end, when she was in a stable home with a stable job, she got the dog back. All are rescues. The dog (or cat) is a part of your family unit he/she will grow older just like you will yourself and may need extra veterinary care or mobility aids. Check with your local humane society/animal shelter. They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. I had to give my dog back after she was hit by a car and required surgery I simply couldnt afford. And work for the poor kitty he gets dumped again that cat would have been fine how many homes do these poor creatures have to go through we have to understand animals feel love and pain think people think. I could have been selfish and kept him, had him suffer just to be able to say he spent his last days with us. Petsmart is a pet retailer that offers a variety of products and services for pets. Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. thats rather harsh. We do not have a vet clinic on site and cannot provide . If there is an incident, your dog bit your child or the neighbor and must be surrendered, no stigma. If they are facing financial and/or health issues, then they should be able to adopt when they get back on their feet. They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. 2-In the event that they are saying that it is an emergency surrender they should provide proof that there is a reason for the surrender. Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! I think people who surrender pets, especially to high-risk shelters, should have their names and reason for surrender kept in a statewide (nationwide would be great) database. 10 years?) You dont know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldnt keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. I have to agree that someone who surrenders their pet to a shelter shouldnt be able to adopt again but how would you distinguish that from someone who picks up a stray dog and takes it to the shelter and doesnt know any better, or honestly has no way to house that stray? If you have no choice but to surrender your pet, SJRAS accepts owner surrendered pets by appointment only as the number of animals we can take in daily depends on the number of open kennels or cat cages we have available. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. sorry. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. What else are they supposed to do besides give that dog a chance to find a better home? Passing judgment on people without any comprehension of their actual circumstances is extremely cruel. I think this is a hard call, only because I think youre damned if you do, and damned if you dont. When someone gets a pet they need to treat it as part of the family. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didnt know why. 5500 dog are killed everyday in this country, so get out of your own selfish way and realize you are part of the problem. It was bad. These people should NEVER be able to get another furbaby. Find someone wholl take them if need be. If someone finds a stay and turns it over does that mean they shouldnt be allowed to adopt one later? Absolutely not! They rarely get the chance to get out alive and live their last days stressed, lonely before dying in a horrible way? I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP MY BABYS FOR ANYTHING I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL, SO NO, NO, NO. As soon as the pup gets to be 10-12 months old, them dump them and get a new puppy! He had this bond with my youngest daughter. If you say surrender is only allowable for these reasons whats to stop these folks from using one of those reasons? Animals are not disposable or inconvenient , they have feelings and people that just feel that they can throw an animal away should never be able to adopt another pet. If you are not ready or unsure, then move on! Even knowing that they'll be adopted again, you're still going to feel crummy. People who have the heartless wrenching guts to do something like this do not deserve the love of an animal. That person should be allowed to adopt again. The smell, infection, inability to eat, pain and other factors test the normal familys patience. Most of us, (thankfully) have never been in a truly desperate situation. He/she is after all a member of the family. You would never leave a child behind when certain situations arise. I have not gotten a new dog since I have a cat now and I dont know how hed react although he loved Tov, who passed five years ago. If they are a serial owner surrender, then yes! My heart broke at that picture knowing what was going to happen to those animals. No!!!! If they surrender their pet they should never be allowed to own a pet again. NO! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Like I said, it depends on the situation. Voicemails and emails are checked periodically throughout the day, even when the Shelter is closed. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. every night they give a public list of the dogs that will be murdered if not adopted next noon. In general I too suggest people dumping their pets should not adopt another. People dont change. Family And Friends - Free (Best Option) Your family and friends can be a great way to re-home your dog. The Dogington Post is dedicated to finding the best products for dogs and we will never recommend a product that we dont love. Surrendering your pet to our shelter means you are giving up all rights to that . The owner of the shelter also kept me informed about his status and let me know when he was adopted to an amazing older couple who could be his forever family. Never. Then a resounding no, with placement on a nationwide list of do not adopt forever. so my answer would be, i think it depends on the situation and how the people go about doing it. If at any time you can no longer care for your adopted pet, you may surrender the animal to AHS. Circumstances change; people lose their jobs and can no longer afford to care for a pet properly; people have children and find out their dog is a danger to those children. But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. She was with us for six years. Remi has now been adopted and I believe her four kittens have been adopted. I tried rehoming him to avoid a shelter. He cant walk at all. A CVI can be done at your vet clinic before surrendering your pet. But I do think returns should be recorded and filed nationally. She has been on medication since I rescued her from the pound at 8-9 years of age and having been run over by a car. To paraphrase Gandhi, the morals of a people or nation can be be measured by the way its animals are treated. I believe if you cannot do it the first time and get it right ,there should be no second time,if yes there is a ligitament reason,the owner died,2 strikes you are out,people think animals are so disposable today, some get rid of them for the stupidest reason,they eat to much,there old ,they want a puppy ,it should be a privalige to own an animal ,just like having a liscense,people should actually be screened to have an animal its to easy today,and to many are being abused,i believe the same with children. I cant imagine anything which would force me to give her up really in truly love their animals should based. Be evaluated to see if they are facing financial and/or health issues, then yes killed. A dog for free somewhere, and rightfully so and month chance to adopt.... It should be completely banned from ever owning a pet is a long... 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