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average wordle score calculator

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Simple shortcut to calculate and share your average Wordle score. Per the study entitled "Where in the World is the Best at Solving. I can see doing todays that 6-letters can require slightly different strategy than the 5-letter. For some reason Wordle doesn't yet calculate this for you. Is that right? Alans response leads me to an alternative rule. The same source tells me that the NYT deleted 30 words from the original solution list thus making it slightly easier to get a first guess right. UPPER-4 So here was yesterdays game colors for my first guess: black-green-yellow-black-green (it seems I cant copy/paste the color scheme here). Moreover, would a 4-letter Wordle be easier or harder? Im not sure theres a more limited pool of 3 letter words to choose from (1065 according to the scrabble dictionary, and 3996 four letter ones). The word list contains all the possible words that can be solutions to Wordle puzzles. There are actually many more than 2300 which will be accepted by the puzzle as legitimate guesses but for practical purposes I think we can assume that most people do not know that vinic is a word and that phpht is only of interest to scrabble players. Add up the total number of guesses and divide by the number of times you have played the game. No way. I was quite chuffed when todays solution was my name! @keyframes _1tIZttmhLdrIGrB-6VvZcT{0%{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}._3uK2I0hi3JFTKnMUFHD2Pd,.HQ2VJViRjokXpRbJzPvvc{--infoTextTooltip-overflow-left:0px;font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;padding:3px 9px;position:absolute;border-radius:4px;margin-top:-6px;background:#000;color:#fff;animation:_1tIZttmhLdrIGrB-6VvZcT .5s step-end;z-index:100;white-space:pre-wrap}._3uK2I0hi3JFTKnMUFHD2Pd:after,.HQ2VJViRjokXpRbJzPvvc:after{content:"";position:absolute;top:100%;left:calc(50% - 4px - var(--infoTextTooltip-overflow-left));width:0;height:0;border-top:3px solid #000;border-left:4px solid transparent;border-right:4px solid transparent}._3uK2I0hi3JFTKnMUFHD2Pd{margin-top:6px}._3uK2I0hi3JFTKnMUFHD2Pd:after{border-bottom:3px solid #000;border-top:none;bottom:100%;top:auto} Its then a fairly minor, though repetitive, task to take every possible first word and solution (2300 x 2300 combinations) and comb the list again for how many possible solutions would fit the rules generated by the first word combined with the solution. How Does it Work? Of course, this means using more guesses, but there is also skill in being to do it quickly, athinkjng about the letters you have uncovered, whilst typing in another word. If not then your chance of a double first guess win with that strategy is zero. You dont need to test each possibility. 3 guess is excellent and still unlikely. People with a good vocabulary who make the most of the information available in the first two guesses should probably score more 3s than 4s, especially if they have been playing for a while and can remember quite a few of the words that have already gone. The strategy being played will influence the raw odds to some extent but I dont think it can improve on them only reduce your chances of a solution in two. The Streak stat is useless, all it points out is that you forgot to play one day. when I think my first guess has narrowed the word down to two possible solutions, and I get a bit lucky with a 50/50 If the average Wordle game takes 15 minutes to play then this amounts to about 30 years of actual play-time . For anyone who hasnt twigged this yet, there is a predetermined list of solutions, at least until such time as the NYT decide to change it. Looking at the spread of scores for a single word allows you to see whether you did better than average on that word, but of course there is such an element of luck in this that you cant judge your performance from any single attempt. Thank you Robert! Four yellows on my first guess, knew which letters would likely come up. In this case, if you choose glove as your fourth word, youre guaranteed to win in 5. Maybe they offer a one-day forgiveness period? How many days in a row have I played? Moreover, who wants to see how addicted they are?! You may have missed a day. So if your goal is winning and/or exercising your mind, why would you ever play hard mode? But in regular mode you are searching for a word that incorporates at least three of potential remaining letters (g,k,l,v) and that in itself requires more strategy than the hard modes simply guessing. In general, Australia seems to have a knack for the word game, with four cities from the country making the list of top 10 cities globally. I have more words with 1,2 and 3 than I have at 5,6 and 7 (fail). Then divide that by total number of guesses: 1100. You could probably make it 0.03% if soeone kepta record of all teh words used to date. ._3bX7W3J0lU78fp7cayvNxx{max-width:208px;text-align:center} The only advantage given by recent history is that we know that wordle does not repeat solutions so you can mentally eliminate as many words as you can remember as a first guess, and also as a second guess solution. A further thought I dont think Wordle repeats words, at least not for now, so if you have a good memory for the words you have already solved the pool of possibilities will be decreasing every day and thus improving your chance of getting quick solutions somewhat. Since there are 2,315 possible target words in Wordle, the probability that you will guess the target in exactly one try is 1/2315 = 0.000432. I look at two metrics - average guesses, which only applies to games where you won (got the word within six guesses). Both the original word lists and the amended NYT times versions are available (after they took out Fetus for example.) the maximum streak (never miss a day, make sure you never lose) Sunday Wordle should be 6 letters. 1828 642 = 2.84. Once you tried crank and the k was grey, the guess of crack was partially a waste since the k wasnt in the word. Transform the number of guesses [1, 6] into a score [1,10], but remember that a higher number of guesses should result in a lower score. I was ignorant as to what was happening and how the game stats worked. I didnt know there was a Wordle2. I too concluded early on that Josh had made a deliberate decision to exclude plurals ie four letter words with an s added, and I also worked out by simple observation that it seemed not to repeat words and that there were no proper nouns though I thought Rupee was cutting it a bit close. I would be curious to know what methodology the earlier poster used to build their wordle rank calculator. I am now finding, after 190 days, that knowing many words that have already gone combined with the fact that I know it is not going to repeat, is sometimes giving me an edge as today when I knew that one the only two possible words I could come up with as a solution had actually been the answer quire recently. My stats are 0 1 10 17 5 4. Its so easy to cheat at wordle that the only persons figures you can really believe are your own. Two guess, also has to be rare. Worder.ly is available on line and is the real way to play. We have over 20,000 users now and it might be fun to . In my 25 games, I have totaled 93 total points for a 3.72 average. the approach that takes the least brain power without losing (this favours fixing the operning two words rather than just one) Related: What are the Average Number of Guesses in Wordle? I cant remember all of my 110 solutions to recite them but many will feel familiar when I think about them as a possibility I will have an inkling that Weve had that before. never losing Wordle doesnt have an official leaderboard at the moment. CHUMP, GUILT, DROVE I then got it in 5 and would have been unlucky to get it in 6. mywordlerank.com. Afterwards, this site will tell you your Wordle average score. As in the data this will be around 3,4 and 5. You could use cored or coder or decor, but one of those is a waste of letter placement. Individuals who guess the word correctly are likely to post about it and even then, the likelihood of share increases with their perception of how well they did guessing. cmon. If it shows more numbers in 2 guesses, youre in the top 5 percentile among the Wordle players. Definitely skews the data. I couldnt believe there existed no ranking tool out there to compare your Wordle stats to others, so I took some (read: way to much) time last week and built one. So a simple calculation suggests the chance of a 1 is 1/2500 = 0.025%. Focusing more, rethinking my starter words, is actually bringing that number down to todays average. I suspect the posters for any particular puzzle have 2-3x better score than average. I have played wordle 33 times and once got 3 green slots on the first round, viz. Youre then left with stage, stake, stale, and stave as potential solutions. For more information, please see our U ER on second guess. But Toronto's average score pales in comparison to the top 10 U.S. cities for Wordle. But, I found out today as I reached 199 correct out of 200 plays, that my regrettable 99% reached 99.5% (199200=.995) that Wordle rounds UP!!! Isnt a streak a series of consecutive wins? Graham words with two letters the same do tend to be harder, at least judging by the twitter stats, only robot has recently had a below average mean reported score. THANK YOU! The only way to get the word on the first try is pure luck/guessing. For example, todays word was trash, and it took me three guesses. Nevertheless, as long as you understand that you are comparing your results against such a biassed sample its still interesting to see if you are doing better than the average twitter poster. 5 tries 1. Privacy Policy. So someone hitting it in 2 ten out of 100 times is not at all odd. There is no other predictability to the solutions, they are just a predetermined random word list and there are no hidden rules such as its not going to start with c two days in a row. Phil Im currently running an average of 3.82 over a 50 streak but I think a fail should be counted as some number higher than 6. sizes larger??? ._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa{margin-top:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._3EpRuHW1VpLFcj-lugsvP_{color:inherit}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa svg._31U86fGhtxsxdGmOUf3KOM{color:inherit;fill:inherit;padding-right:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._2mk9m3mkUAeEGtGQLNCVsJ{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;color:inherit} All the data you glean from Wordle statistics is related to your own progress and streak in the game (as a unit). Well, lets take a closer look at Wordle scores and statistics to find out. And yes, it is fun to play with your kids. Wordle2 (6-letter Wordle) is easier to solve. Moreover, who needs a brain twister at 7:00 am with your coffee. Press J to jump to the feed. ._3-SW6hQX6gXK9G4FM74obr{display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-bottom;width:16px;height:16px;font-size:16px;line-height:16px} Yes, theyre not describing the stat clearly. I encourage people to check it out when they can. Is that an official rule/parameter or is that just the consensus of players never having encountered such a 5-letter solution? I dont get the stats in the first example in this article: They say this player has won 100% of her 3 games, but her current streak is 1 and her longest streak is 2. In my case that's 244/61 = 4.0. PLEASE CONSIDER UPDATING YOUR ARTICLE TO MAKE THIS CLEAR. Its blind luck. And then there's win rate, which is wins divided by games played. Average is 3.7. Enjoy! Who has the best average? Also sometimes there are multiple possibilities that you have to exhaust and you still might get it wrong. You could manipulate your average guesses to be lower by intentionally losing if you go beyond 3 or 4 guesses, but then your win rate would drop. Out of a list of 2300 though, knowing that a 100 are so are not solutions today does not lower the odds much. Would be interesting to know how the stats change when there is a word with two of the same letter in it. 3 tries 8 If your Average is 2 then you are cheating not in the top 8-10%, or even the top 5%. PLAYED WIN% CURRENT STREAK MAX STREAK (useless), how about: PLAYED WIN% INCOMPLETE (for games started but not finished a dose of TRUTH!). Conversely it should be lower for words which people are unlikely to choose as a random guess like Wrung wordle 225. ), WordleUnlimited.org: Another unlimited version that is otherwise identical to the NYTimes daily game interface, Play the Daily Puzzle provided by NYTimes.com, Learn more about how your score compares to the rest of the Wordle community on, Check out this tool to help you improve your Wordle score on. . The guess with the highest average score (the word with the highest chance of having a lot of greens and yellows) is returned as the guess. Its possible that some optimal starter words might push the figure higher than that if used repeatedly again an interesting calculation. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its an interesting statistical problem isnt it. I agree that was a tough one but what was your first word? This approach suffers from bias of exclusion. The twitter stats are self selecting and therefore skewed, not surprising that no on is advertising their failures. Weve had 3 second guess hits out of 92 attempts. Wordle was created by U.S.-based British software . I remain puzzled by the problem of 2nd guess solutions and how statistically likely they are. It was pointed out to me that if you didnt care about your consecutive streak, that you could let a game lapse if you were faced with a dicey 6th 50/50 guess or worse. All the rest are accepted words when trying to determine the answer. I could not figure out how Ive won 50 games of Wordleonly losing one single timeand yet Ive never gotten my streak above 8. Bear in mind that Shape/Shake, though infuriating for anyone in hard mode, is actually quite a low score. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/TopicLinksContainer.3b33fc17a17cec1345d4_.css.map*/3.8. Calculations are made with all subjects that have a grade in your diploma/certificate. Ive got a ~10% record of getting it in 2 (6/60), so the stats dont seem unreasonable. It was crass. Which I would never do, but, duh. The actual chance of getting it right first time is about 1 in 2315 so it should be about 0.05%. Pooling all the available data from @wordlestats currently gives an average score of 4.23 but thats markedly biassed towards better performance. Pooling a series of 30 or so of these scores gives an average difficulty score of 4.15 tries. So thanks! Wordle Average Score Calculator Wordle Average Score Wordle Rack Wordle Rack 2.0 is finally here! Quite a few players manage to crack it in the final attempt. Im old, but not THAT oldam I the only one who wishes the letters on the keyboard were a few pt. Ive just seen some one post a performance go 6 second guesses out of 35 attempts on twitter which seems highly improbable. I have played wordle since mid January. Two caveats: I always play with my 14-year old son and we work together (one of those 2-bangers he came up with both the first and second guesses). Ive yet to exceed six guesses and if I do, it will be marked as six points that day for scoring average purposes. This calculator will help you figure out Wordle (also Dordle, Quordle, Absurdle, Hello Wordl, or Seven Wordles) puzzles. On the return, I did both (once on each end), and only got credit for one so the streak ended again. Another follow up: My WordHurdle (6-letter), guess distribution is virtually the same as my 5-letter disti. 1/20. My guess is the real average is 4-5, rather than 3-4 as shown here. Multiply each row by the number of times you got that score, then add them together and divide that total by number of days solved: ( (1 x a) + (2 x b) + (3 x c) + (4 x d) + (5 x e) + (6 x f)) /n Edit: changed number of days played to number of days solved. 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