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changing phd advisor after 2 years academic stack exchange

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Should we have a canonical question for "should I quit my PhD"? Switching fields in a postdoc after PhD, is that possible in psychology? Maybe it was when she changed your project for the sixth time in six months, though your thesis proposal deadline was rapidly approaching and you had nothing to present. I wouldn't recommend starting with an advisor you don't plan to finish with (and doing so is incredibly rude), changing advisors is for situations that cannot be salvaged. Maybe it was when she changed your project for the sixth time in six months, though your thesis proposal deadline was rapidly approaching and you had nothing to present. Other students can also be valuable resources, since they work more closely with professors and likely know information your program director doesnt. Use paper as masters thesis or sign up to a direct PhD program (and use the paper for this)? How do pure mathematicians assess whether their research ambitions can be realistically achieved. But I wish to explore my ideas too. - Bryan Krause Jul 21, 2020 at 0:50 To figure out what a professor's approach to advising is, Sverdlik encourages students to ask a lot of questions of prospective advisers and their advisees when they're interviewing. After two years, I have lost interest in my work and the passion has gone. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. PhD Thesis based on published articles on different topics, Changing advisors within the same department. Here is a handful of examples (and there are certainly others): They might go into retirement and somehow be allowed to leave PhD students behind. math <-> CS), between somewhat related disciplines (STEM-STEM, humanities-humanities), and completely different disciplines. Advising offices have different processes for changing advisors. At the end of that year the powers that be in my department agreed to giving me some time off in order to put my finances in order. But if that's the only thing you take into consideration, you could wind up having a terrible experience in graduate school. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? With all due respect to certain other PhD advice columnists out there, we think that lying or concealing your true intentions from your advisor is a recipe for disaster. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. (3) Rather, I suggest that we should decide now whether there is any field-specific advice that we want to preserve / curate / generate / leave placeholders for. The team measured student satisfaction by asking the survey participants to rate the degree to which words such as "good," "happy," "terrible," and "disappointing" described their overall Ph.D. experience. Academic politics is complicated; someone pointed out to me that students come and go but these people have to keep working together, or next to each other, for years. "It's far more important to have an adviser who supports your career goals and development, and who has your interests at heart, than it is to have a degree from an elite program.". Please make a tax-deductible gift today. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? Suppose you have written part of a thesis(normally a PhD thesis in my field has 2-3 parts, each part may be different from the others). Besides, nobody trains committee Chairs to deal with bullies and ill-natured actions. The United States, Australia, and countries in Europe yielded the most survey responses. Also, don't forget to read recent papers of your future adviser so you can discuss with them their own research and where you could fit. So, a prestigious academic pedigree may help you get where you want to go after graduation. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Sign up for our feature-packed newsletter today to ensure you get the latest expert help and advice to level up your lab work. Or bullied by their own advisors. - user21264 Aug 6, 2017 at 6:21 1 I think the most straightforward solution would be to have a single canonical question that covers all fields, but I'm open to the idea that we might need multiple duplicate targets because some fields have fundamentally different considerations. It does not help me. My second year, however, didn't improve despite making another breakthrough. Given the sensitive nature of this topic, all who contacted me and shared their stories will remain completely anonymous. How much does the problem with your supervisor affect your ability to work, and your potential to do excellent research? Take note of the topics you should follow up on, and their . Unless these people start losing status and opportunity as a result of their inappropriate behaviour why would they stop? I think this is a much, much larger undertaking than just having a few broad subcategories in the canonical question. In addition, postdoctoral groups, such as YPA, may . Most of these are duplicates except for the fields in question. Regardless of this persons level of involvement, her advice will undoubtedly be helpful in your switch. Do I need "Introduction" and "Conclusions" parts in my PhD thesis? The reason for the move is that I have become increasingly interested in the formal verification of mathematics and have devoted all of my spare time to writing a proof assistant. My suggestion: Yes, but with some type of PSA in the question regarding how to use it as a duplicate target. Much as you may want to yell your decision over the rooftops, announcing that youre leaving while in a heated argument with your advisor isnt going to make your transition any easier. There are no real breaks. No. The following are the reasons: I am forced to work in a very specific area and there is almost no room for creativity. Adopt the art of " principled negotiation ," which is composed of four steps: 1) separating the problem from the person; 2) focusing on interests, rather than on positions; 3) creating options that allow for mutual gains; and 4) using objective criteria. Just as a rather cursory suggestion agreeing with a previous comment: Within-discipline, within-nearby-disciplines (e.g. It usually requires that you follow departmental procedures. Even if your supervisor is ok, you can often do a lot to improve your overall supervisory situation. Do you want an advisor who will spend a lot of time guiding you through your project, or would you prefer one who will mostly leave you alone? If so, please sign up to receive our free guides. Physics PhD switching fields after short career break? There could be some useful specific answer depending on the question that goes beyond general advice. So, I need your advice in handling the situation. Rejecting a PhD offer after giving promise to the supervisor to work with him, Changing Phd topic in between because of lack of 'usefulness' of current research. You can find some tips in the second blog in this series Advice from people who switched PhD Advisor. Learn how your comment data is processed. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? You will receive mail with link to set new password. If that is a clear yes, then a change of supervisor is on the agenda. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I see that the question has been created and tagged with a new tag. But working with PhD candidates over the past 14 years, weve also encountered some for whom this is not the case. It is possible that asupervisor is not an expert in the area in which the PhD student works. As a matter of format, I agree that it makes sense that a canonical question would aggregate common considerations in a few broad categories. We'll let you know what makes PhD candidates want to change advisors, what you should consider in the process, and whether it makes sense in your situation or not. Graduate groups currently registered with the McDougal Graduate Student Life office may request modest funding from this office. like the question (What does it mean by first author?). Dont rush it, but eventually try to arrive at a decision, after carefully balancing the pros and cons. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. A complication here is that changing for disinterest in the doctoral field is quite different from forced changes due to economic factors (as I had to do). Hell. But now These professors want revenge. In this blogpost, well give you an overview of why PhD students typically change advisors, how difficult it might be, and whether it is the right thing to do in your situation. You will need to change your committee (and your advisor) in GradPlan if you have an accepted program plan. In the Helmholtz Juniors Survey Report (2019), there are 25.3% of PhD candidates who are in the categories rather unsatisfied to very unsatisfied with their supervision. (2) I agree that asking for a specific period of time is probably not smart. Question about changing university policy. Harassment, discrimination, or abuse, even in milder forms, constitute a breach of good scientific practice. But don't think that such a calling is necessarily tied to a career in academia, because I think that this is increasingly not the case, and probably never really was. She may even help you mediate your switch by asking professors whether theyre willing to take you on. 3 Academic Advisors To Avoid 1. If so, please leave a comment on this answer explaining which field needs handled separately and why it has different considerations. But the latest research on the topic points to things to look for when making a decision, as well as pitfalls to avoid. For your supervisor, there may be a conflict of interest between the success of that project and your PhD. "Some professors are interested in producing good students, so choose those supervisors. Insufficient encouragement and interest in the PhD candidates work are further factors (see also Helmholtz Juniors 2019, p. 22). I myself have occasionally fallen into reflexively flagging to close a question that is "close enough" to a canonical duplicate. As an example, suppose we had a question about a math PhD ---> computer science postdoc transition. Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. When it comes to student satisfaction, the single most important element is adviser supportiveness, according to a study published this week in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. In this case, the financing is independent from the supervisor. Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? Transition from PhD to postdoc with an intent to change field. I wouldn't mind using the same advisor but if they aren't interested in my interests I see nothing wrong with switching. Some have tried to intimidate students by telling them lies, e.g. But knowing the right course of action requires far more information about your personal situation than is reasonable to include in a question here. In this case, the personal chemistry between you and the supervisor is off. Please enter your email address. @FourierFlux Based on your history of questions, I suspect you don't really care what people think so I don't know why you keep asking here. Many arrangements are possible, and depending on the reasons for the change, the parties can also determine what is and is not made public. MathOverflow is a question and answer site for professional mathematicians. As I understand it, you like algebraic number theory but not the particular sub-area that you're working in. Thoughts? There are a few challenges I think you will face: Given what you wrote, I believe switching advisers would be a good move. In such a case, there is transparency around the process and you will be able to find out what you have to do and who you need to talk to in order to change yours. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee, Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? A clear sign of a lack of supervision is if one does not have regular meetings with a PhD supervisor (e.g. Some students in the stories I collected changed supervisor because of communication/management style issues or some disparity in expectations between the mentor and mentee. While you want to be careful with telling too many people about your switch (your advisor should hear the news from you, not someone else), keep your ears open for news about professors reputations and for whether theyre looking for new students. That's not fun, he says, and the lack of autonomy doesn't help them learn what it takes to be a successful scientist. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Optimizing a thesis writing workflow for Bachelor and Master theses. According to the researchers' findings, switching from an adviser who was strongly unsupportive to one that was highly supportive would be expected to increase the Ph.D. satisfaction score . Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. This is not because I am "stuck" - I am not really at a point where I have been able to engage enough with the work to even become stuck. But as it is, we are not generating those types of answers; we provide only the same general advice over and over (is my impression, at least). Likely depends whether you changed topics. It's also important to figure out whether your working style is compatible with your prospective adviser's style, says Anna Sverdlik, a psychology postdoc at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, who studies conditions that promote the success and well-being of Ph.D. students, and co-authored a review article on the topic published in September 2018. "You'll have setbacks. Do you want to successfully complete your PhD? Quotes like you are a latino, they usually work hard, but you are an exception, where part of the regular communication. Dont wait that long! Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Less of an income, probably. But it's possible that we need several different questions: intra-field, STEM to STEM, STEM to humanities, humanities to humanities, etc. Since the boundaries are not well-defined (how do you define "similar"), my inclination is to have one canonical question that discusses both cases. UniWiND 2015, UCL 2018, National Health and Medical Research Council Australia 2019, University of Edinburgh 2021). Is just after your PhD a good time to switch your research area? Are you experiencing problems with your PhD supervisor? How do I fit an e-hub motor axle that is too big? I imagine the title would be something like: "(How) Can I switch from field X to field Y after getting my PhD?" I think this is a fair canonical question but a bit fraught. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Grad school is hard enough as it is. Any disadvantages of having a PhD supervisor who is working only part-time at the institution? hyper-organised and your supervisor is the chaotic one, coming up with new ideas for your research in every meeting, dwarfing any of your attempts to maintain focus. These lay out guidelines of how research should be conducted, how data should be handled, ethical principles in research that must be considered, how results are published, and how junior researchers must be treated and evaluated these are broader than the codes of conduct for supervision that we mentioned above. Some universities or graduate schools have formal proceedings for an exchange of supervisors anchored in their PhD regulations (or elsewhere) which are publicly available. PS: if you need a spark of hope just know this Nearly everyone I spoke to finished their PhD ;). Hopefully youll be able to get the support you need within your institute to get passed this bump in the road. Otherwise, my assumption is that it's possible to write one answer that addresses most/all possible switches (the advice for intra-field switches vs. switching to a remote field might be different, but we can address both in one post). He might tell other faculty there will be consequences if they take you as a student. Research topics restricted to students at top universities? So like Andy Putman suggested you need to talk to your supervisor. Be calm and respectful, but be honest about the reasons youre leaving. ", Sverdlik adds that it's best to find an adviser who is willing to devote time to nurturing your development during critical phases of graduate schoolduring the transition from coursework to research, for instanceand who otherwise will give you room to grow on your own. My supervisor openly claims that he is a great researcher and expects students to worship him. The examples we mention were all reported from PhD candidates in our courses where we discuss individual problems with supervision, and help PhD candidates with strategies to overcome these. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. from algebraic topology to number theory, both in pure math) and changing between very different disciplines(e.g. Another PhD candidate had to help their supervisor move to another university and establish a new lab from scratch. What matters in a Ph.D. adviser? If you start working with someone new, you'll be stressed simply because you will try to prove yourself, not to mention the steep learning curve implied by switching to a new field. You can ask for a 10 minutes appointment via email if they seem to be busy, but in my department, I used to just walk into professors offices. Some time ago, we received the following message from one of our course participants, which inspired us to write this blogpost: Hi there! With an intent to change your committee ( and your PhD a good to. 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